Posts Tagged ‘new album’

amon-amarth-deceiver-of-the-gods-626x564A really quick one this week, for winds of change are upon us. Some of you may have heard already, AMON AMARTH published their first official song on YouTube. Deceiver of the Gods track is from their upcoming album Deceiver of the Gods scheduled to be released 21st of June 2013. Which great news. Now we all god to thinks to look forward to in June. What am I saying? More things, since a ton of people look forward to something. But we have this epic new album coming out. We have THE DARKNESS WITHIN scheduled for early June release as well. And much, much more, but to make all the things lo be listed here would take a whole day to read. So lets stick with what we have now and each and everyone still has his own perks to look forward to.




Didn’t here the new track yet? What are you waiting for?

Amon Amarth – Deceiver of the Gods! \m/

Enjoy it as the vikings ride once more!

Robert C. Friedrich

The Manticore and Other Horrors

Is the title of the upcoming tenth studio album from the English Metal band CRADLE OF FILTH

set to be released on October 29 in Europe and on October 30 in USA in 2012!

Track List:

01 The Unveiling of O

02 The Abhorrent

03 For Your Vulgar Delectation

04 Illicitus

05 Manticore

06 Frost On Her Pillow

07 Huge Onyx Wings Behind Despair

08 Pallid Reflection

09 Siding With the Titans

10 Succumb to This

11 Nightmares of an Ether Drinker

12 Death, The Great Adventure

13 Sinfonia

And here is the Review:

First things first, COF was one of the first metal bands I got into metal in the first place, and still the most loved albums from them for me especially are: Dusk…and her Embrace, Cruelty and the Beast and Midian!

The new stuff has been criticized a lot, and from their last album, well I heard it once and never spoke of it again!

So I was both skeptical and excited going into “The Manticore and Other Horrors

Typical as always with COF is the Intro, this one sounded a bit as a mix of the old days of Dusk… with Midian.

And then literally the Thrashing began, the next two tracks were power and more power, but again Dani’s vocals remain similar to Thornography and after time, I miss the old screeching. Still pretty powerful and fast simply extreme!

Than “Illicitus” came and it got a bit better, kind of a heavy mix as always but also felt Damnation album influence in it. So it started to get interesting.

It’s hard to sum up how this album feels,  Its extreme sure, but old Cradle of Filth might not get the same kicks as we did before, moving with the times, this album is surely better than Darkly, darkly…album from 2011

Song “Manticore” felt a bit darker already, not from the vocals thou, but it had its moments, and once it reaches 3 minutes plus the beat is pretty good and feels pretty solid! Again influence of Thornography can be felt! Similar to the song “tonight in flames”.

The orchestra in the back feels at times kind of influenced by something similar to Midian

It’s hard to grasp what emotions come out of this album, especially with other people feeling differently probably then me. This album happens to be pretty heavy, fast, and merciless. If you enjoy New COF than this is for sure for you! For the older fans, you have to judge yourself!

My favorite songs from this album happen to be “Frost on her Pillow”, “Pallid Reflection” and “Death, The Great Adventure” this track especially felt a bit like nostalgia, a bit!

Should you buy this Album? Well YES and NO, The hardcore fans of COF’s past will not be satisfied as much as they might hope. While fans of New COF, especially if you follow them since: Thornography, than you will enjoy this album. And if you enjoy both sides of COF new or OLD, than I bet you will find something about this album that you will like. But I must admit its way better than the album that came before it!

This review made me feel nostalgic a bit now so Ill finish this review and will go to play for old time sakes MALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS!!!

So buy this album if you believe this is your cup of tea! And we shall see what the future holds!

COF Fans also consider if you are not yet to follow Dani on his official page

Thank you!

Robert C. Friedrich